Dr. Bryce Jones

Dr. Bryce Jones

Note: Dr. Bryce Jones is a patient in our clinic and is a member of our community here in Hamilton. We thought you might enjoy his personal story of triumph and determination.

A year ago this July, Dr. Bryce Jones’ granddaughter told him she was praying that he would quit smoking. As you can imagine, those words went straight to his heart. Then 67, Dr. Jones had been smoking since he was 13 years old, making him an addict for 54 years. With that one statement from his granddaughter, Dr. Jones said a prayer to God and stopped smoking that very day. Now, one year later, he remains true to his commitment and has had no side effects. He says he knows it was only by God’s empowering grace that he was able to quit.

Dr. Jones has a different outlook on life than most 68 year olds. Having tried to retire seven times, he is still up and going. “You’re as old as you want to be”, he says. “Any of my friends that have passed on, have only done so because they retired and sat down,” he explained.

Not only has Dr. Jones been free from his cigarette addiction for a year, but his desire for change also inspired him to change his diet in order to lose weight. He started seeing his doctor regularly as a proactive approach to his health, and yet, his physical health is only half of the story. Mr. Bryce Jones has only become “Dr. Jones” since this spring. He graduated high school in 1966, but decided only 6 years ago that he’d like to return to school to get his degree.

In the early stages, it was sheer curiosity that got him going. He had crossed the “starting line” just to see if he could do it; to see how far he could “run”. To his surprise, the more he did, the more he enjoyed it. So much so, that he ended this particular “race” by earning his Doctorate degree in theology with a 4.0 grade point average from Andersonville Theological Seminary this year. He has a family history rich with spiritual roots. His own father and grandfather, were both preachers, as well. Now with this degree, he is speaking at local churches and is on the search for teaching opportunities.

Dr. Brent Boyett says, “the day you stop learning is the day you stop breathing.” Dr. Jones is a perfect example of someone who is unwilling to “sit down”, or let the hunger for growth be affected by his age. With church on Sundays, his bride Delora of 47 years, his three children, eight grandchildren, a garden to tend and fish to catch, Dr. Jones can only be found sitting still if there’s a good book in his hands. He believes “an idle mind and body soon makes for a dead man. All you have to have is faith in yourself and the faith that you need to do it.” He says, “Just because you’re old and may not be able to do it as fast, if you keep at it, you will do it.” And he’s right.

Two of the most important investments you can make in life is in your health and in your education, in that order. In order to lead a life that is happy, productive and pleasing to God, we must invest, not only on others, but also in ourselves. It’s an investment of emotion, time, money and effort. They are investments that you, and your loved ones will benefit from for generations to come. You are able to leave a legacy behind that you can be proud of.

Galatians 6, verse 7 reads, “do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” If you sow idleness and laziness, you will reap disease and death. But if you sow into your health and education, you will reap long life and wisdom. We must be good stewards over what God has given us. It is never too late to sow into your future. Don’t give up on your dreams! It is never too late to find a new purpose. Let Dr. Bryce Jones’ story inspire you to take charge of your life and keep moving forward.

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